This Tank is made from the talented Figurin_things_out on Instagram. We spent many hours testing and adjusting the print to be this awesome beast you see here. The build will come with 3 crates, you can choose how many functional crates you would like.
1:12 Raw static crates: $550
1:12 Raw 1 functional crate: $600
1:12 Raw 2 functional crates: $650
1:12 Raw 3 functional crates: $700
1:12 Finished static crates: $850
1:12 Finished 1 functional crate: $900
1:12 finished 2 functional crates: $1000
1:12 finished 3 functional crates: $1,100
If you would like to print this yourself, you can find the Tank files with static crate here:
For functional crates, you can purchase from galaxy diorama here:
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